Non-Contiguous Multi-Visceral and Vertebral-Medullary Multifocal Tuberculosis in Immunocompetent Subject


Multifocal tuberculosis


How to Cite

Mounir A, Karhate Andalousi M, Akasbi N, Benjelloune MC, Harzy T. Non-Contiguous Multi-Visceral and Vertebral-Medullary Multifocal Tuberculosis in Immunocompetent Subject. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];6. Available from:


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus of Koch (BK). The multifocal form is usually associated with the immunosuppression of HIV. In this regard, we report an unusual case of multifocal tuberculosis associating visceral foci with a non-contiguous cervical, dorsal and lumbar spinal tuberculosis, in an immunocompetent subject. The patient had a medical-surgical treatment. It is a disease with a difficult diagnosis. We will discuss, in this case, the clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic characteristics of this clinical entity.


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Copyright (c) 2019 Amina Mounir et al.


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