Introduction: The odontogenic myxoma is a rare benign tumor of the maxilla, whose clinical and radiological manifestations are variable and nonspecific and can be confused with other radiolucent lesions. Its origin would be the embryonic mesenchyme of the dental follicle.
Case report: We report the case of odontogenic myxoma of the right maxilla, discovered by chance in a 25-year-old patient. Clinically, the patient had painless, firm on palpation, swelling of the right maxilla, impeding chewing and speech. A facial CT scan showed an expansive osteolytic process blowing the right maxilla off. A biopsy was in favor of an odontogenic myxoma. The diagnosis was based on clinical, radiological, and especially anatomopathological arguments.
Conclusion: The local aggressiveness of the odontogenic myxoma and its high rate of recurrence justify a radical treatment beyond the lesion’s boundaries and thus imply a postoperative repair.
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