Neglected Giant Schwannoma of the Sciatic Nerve – A Case Report


Sciatic nerve


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Elemam Awad T, Hassan Mahmoud M. Neglected Giant Schwannoma of the Sciatic Nerve – A Case Report. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];5. Available from:


Background: Schwannomas originating from the sciatic nerve are extremely rare and usually present as a pathological mass in palpable examination or pain located in the thigh. Motor and sensory deficits are observed more often when the size of the tumor is more than 40 mm.
Case Description: A 19-years- old female patient was referred to Suez Canal University Hospital after 6 years of pain and 2 years of improper management. Neurological examination and MRI of the right thigh were done and revealed a huge mass attached to the right sciatic nerve. Surgical excision was undertaken, carefully dissecting the lesion from the sciatic nerve. Histopathological examination revealed the tumor to be a schwannoma. The patient had marked postoperative recovery with marked pain reduction and improved neurological deficits.
Conclusions: Schwannomas of the sciatic nerve are rare tumors eccentrically located on the nerve. Although rare, schwannoma of the sciatic nerve should be systematically suspected if thigh mass or persistent sciatica is reported. Surgical excision has a good prognosis.


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