Neurological Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Inflammatory bowel disease
Ischemic stroke
Peripheral neuropathies


How to Cite

Hnach Y, Ajana FZ, Benbelbaghdadi I, Essamri W, Afifi R, Benazzouz M, Essaid Elfeydi A. Neurological Manifestations In Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:3-6. Available from:


Introduction: The purpose of this retrospective study was to report neurological manifestations noted in patients who were monitored for inflammatory bowel disease, in order to document the pathophysiological, clinical, progressive, and therapeutic characteristics of this entity.
Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective study on patients monitored -in the gastroenterology service in Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat, Morocco- for inflammatory bowel disease from 1992 till 2013 and who developed neurological manifestations during its course. Patients with iatrogenic complications were excluded, as well as patients with cerebrovascular risk factors. 
Results: There were 6 patients, 4 of whom have developed peripheral manifestations. Electromyography enabled the diagnosis to be made and the outcome was favorable with the disappearance of clinical manifestations and normalization of the electromyography. The other 2 patients, monitored for Crohn’s disease, developed ischemic stroke. Cerebral computed tomography angiography provided a positive and topographic diagnosis. Two patients were admitted to specialized facilities.
Conclusion: Neurological manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease are rarely reported.  Peripheral neuropathies and stroke remain the most common manifestations. The mechanisms of these manifestations are not clearly defined yet. Currently, we hypothesize the interaction of immune mediators.


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