Treatment Results of Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures with Dynamique Compression Plate a Retrospective Study of 156 Cases.


Shaft fracture
Dynamic compression plate
Clinical and radiological results


How to Cite

Boussakri H, Bouziane Ouaritini A, Shimi M, Elidrissi M, Elibrahimi A, Elmrini A. Treatment Results of Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures with Dynamique Compression Plate a Retrospective Study of 156 Cases. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2:36-9. Available from:


This retrospective study addresses a series of 156 cases of forearm fractures. These 156 cases were managed in the trauma-orthopedic department (B4) of Fez University Hospital, Morocco, from May 2008 till January 2013. The purpose of this study is to analyze epidemiological and clinical factors of diaphyseal forearm fractures and the results of their treatment with dynamic compression plate (DCP), as well as the complications and therapeutic errors of this surgical technique. The frequency of hospitalization in the trauma-orthopedic department was 3,96%. Ages ranged between 16 and 83, the average age was 32. 132 patients were male (85%). 90% were managed on the day of trauma. Traffic accidents were the most frequent cause in 52% of patients. The fracture was in the left forearm in 65% of patients. 53% of fracture lines were in the middle third of the forearm. 38 fractures were open, and 30 were admitted for polytrauma. Osteosynthesis was performed with a dynamic compression plate for all patients. In comparison with the literature, our series shows the predominance of young male patients, with traffic accidents being the cause. Osteosynthesis with a dynamic compression plate remains the treatment of choice that provides satisfactory results if the accuracy in this technique was respected.


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