New Perspectives in Medical Oncology : Molecular Medicine and its Perspectives


Medical Oncology
Molecular Medicine


How to Cite

Blay J-Y, Tredan O, Perol D. New Perspectives in Medical Oncology : Molecular Medicine and its Perspectives. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2017 May 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4:60-4. Available from:


The molecular medicine of cancer is based on the identification of genomic abnormalities in the DNA of tumor cells, guiding the treatment of patients, by choosing inhibitors acting on the mutated proteins encoded by the mutated genes. However, for the last 10 years, there has been a very rapid emergence of a new corpus of knowledge describing the genomic abnormalities of cancer cells in international programs such as ICGC or TCGA, leading to new nosological classifications, but also showing the extreme complexity and clonal variability of cancer cells in the human patient. The optimal use of this body of new data effectively. This requires 1) the construction of diagnostic platforms progressively exploring with greater depth the molecular anomalies of each individual patient and 2) the organization of multidisciplinary molecular consultation meetings to integrate these data into the clinical and global context of the patient. This evolution will also require a growing
contribution of bio-informatics. This short article provides a short update on the evolution of this molecular medicine of cancer.


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