Vaccination Hesitation and Vaccination Challenges in 2017


Vaccine Hesitancy
Vaccine Refusal
Public Health
Vaccine Safety
Antivaccination Movements


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Bégué P. Vaccination Hesitation and Vaccination Challenges in 2017. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2017 May 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];4:80-5. Available from:


Many countries are affected today by the rise of hesitations to vaccinate. This trend has only increased in the last two decades, as all surveys show. The last major international survey reveals that 41% of French people doubt vaccine safety. The result is a reduction in vaccination coverage in children for the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, the meningococcal C vaccine and the HPV vaccine, and in adults a decline in influenza vaccination. The causes of this hesitation are multiple and societal: fear of the supposed serious adverse effects replacing the fear of diseases, disinformation by the media and the Internet, various beliefs and growing individualism, loss of confidence in experts and institutions. The solutions are multiple and vary from country to
country. They are dominated by the improvement of the university and continuing education of health personnel in vaccinology, by providing more precise, readable, and transparent information. Strong commitment from health authorities is essential to improve confidence and support vaccinators. Health education should be tailored to the demands of modern society and be more relevant to education.


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Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre Begue


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