Purpose: This study aimed to understand better what practicing physical therapists know and believe about direct access (DA) and scope of practice (SOP) for physical therapy in Saudi Arabia (SA). Methods: A pilot study was first performed to ensure the clarity of the questions. Then, a cross-sectional survey was sent through emails, and social media platforms included three main sections: demographics, opinions, and beliefs questions. Results: A total of 150 respondents met the inclusion criteria. About 55.3% of the participants reported never or rarely using an SOP document as a reference for knowing their practice. Moreover, nearly 48% learned about the SOP through an informal discussion. Only 24.7% of the participants correctly identified which practice setting DA is permitted. Most participants felt confident or strongly confident of their abilities to assess (67.3%) and treat (72%) patients without physicians’ referral. Around 84% of the participants agreed or strongly agreed that DA should be expanded to include all healthcare settings. Conclusion: We found that physical therapists are confident about their ability to treat and assess patients without physicians’ referrals. There is uncertainty about where DA is permitted in SA.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Safwan M. Alosaimi, Raed A. Alamri, Maher A. Alghamdi