The Implementation and Testing of a Reliable and Valid Oral Fat Tolerance Test (OFTT) for Research and Clinical Purposes


Plasma triglyceride metabolism
Metabolic studies

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Bodell NG, Navalta JW, Kawi J, Bungum T. The Implementation and Testing of a Reliable and Valid Oral Fat Tolerance Test (OFTT) for Research and Clinical Purposes. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2023 May 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];10. Available from:


Background: Increased fat intake leads to a greater risk of atherosclerosis due to the increase in circulating triglycerides (TG), which damages the endothelial lining. An oral fat tolerance test (OFTT) is usually employed to evaluate postprandial lipid metabolism. However, there has yet to be a standardized procedure for doing an OFTT. This investigation assists in the determination of a standardized, reliable, and valid OFTT. Methods: All participants (n=20) were free of any known cardiovascular or metabolic disease. Participants were allotted 20 minutes to complete the OFTT. Baseline and subsequent blood analyses postfeeding were collected at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours. One of the three OFTT loads of varying fat concentrations was administered to each participant in a randomized crossover design, containing fat loads of 150 g, 100 g, and 50 g of fat. A single-measure consistency intraclass correlation coefficient was used to determine significance (r>0.75). Results: The test-retest reliability of the OFTT loads (150 g, 100 g, and 50 g) were all significant (p<0.001), with ICC at 0.745, 0.923, and 0.715, respectively. Face Validity was confirmed upon repeat analysis. Conclusions: The 100 g OFTT load was the most reliable and valid measure for observing TG elevation. It is proposed that the 100 g load would be a reliable tool for further research investigation and eventual use for clinical purposes.


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