Background: Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is the most common deep infection of neck space in adults and potentially life-threatening if not treated appropriately. The surgical treatment of peritonsillar abscess that is not complicated with upper airway obstruction remains controversial.
Objectives: This review attempts to explore the controversies between different types of management and compare the efficacy of needle aspiration, tonsillectomy, and/or incision and drainage.
Methodology: This study was done at King Abdulaziz University. All researchers, between 1988 to 2015 were recruited and reviewed in this study.
Results and conclusion: Studying the three accepted methods of draining: incision and drainage, abscess tonsillectomy, or needle aspiration, incision, and drainage is an efficient and safe procedure to treat the peritonsillar abscess. As well as it is superior to Needle aspiration in terms of the post-procedure pain score. It can be performed as the first-line treatment of a peritonsillar abscess. Quinsy tonsillectomy can offer several advantages, by allowing full evacuation of the abscess cavity, effectively relieving symptoms, but holds risk in general anesthesia intubation. and also higher post-operative complications like Peritonsillar abscess make it not a favorable step.
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