The Effect of Educated Platelets on the Healing Process of Burn Wounds in Rats: Educated Platelets in Rat Burn Wound Healing


Educated platelet
Burn wound healing
Platelet rich plasma


How to Cite

Ilgen O, Kurt S, Yilmaz O, Celiloglu M. The Effect of Educated Platelets on the Healing Process of Burn Wounds in Rats: Educated Platelets in Rat Burn Wound Healing. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];8. Available from:


Burns are serious life-threatening health problems. This study was performed to determine the effect of educated platelets on burn wound healing process. 28 female wistar albino 200-220 gr rats were randomly divided into four groups. Group A1 rats(n:7) were the first-line burnt group from which blood samples are extracted to develop platelet-rich plasma(PRP) with the educated platelets that have a response to burn injury. Group B1 rats(n:7) were the unburnt group with ordinary platelets. Group A2 rats(n:8) were the second-line burnt group which was given PRP with educated platelets. Group B2 rats(n:6), as control group, were the second-line burnt group which was given PRP with ordinary platelets. Photos of rats' dorsum were taken by digital camera on the first day and 21st day of the study. Wound healing was determined by scar surface area. In the study group (Group A2) mean wound area was  53±37 mm², in the control group (Group B2) mean wound area was 114±55 mm² on the last day of the experiment. The sizes of the wounded areas were significantly lower in the study group compared with the control group (p: 0.039). Educated platelets seem to facilitate the recovery period of burn wound healing in rats.


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