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Maria João Coelho, Ricardo Magalhães, Inês Lopes Cardoso, Cristina Pina , Maria Pia Ferraz
Identification of Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among Nursing Students during Curricular Clinical Internships: An Observational Study
Taha Anbara
The Effects of Age on Weight Loss after Sleeve Gastrectomy
Omolola Adunni Fagbohun, Ibifuro Dennar, Olugbusi Sope, Oresanwo Theressa
Anaesthesia for Reconstruction Surgery Post Mandibulectomy in a Patient with a Predicted Difficult Airway: A Case Report
Hashmatullah Yousufi, Ahmad Zia Noori, Hamidullah Rasekh
Investigation of Hepatitis B virus DNA among HBsAg Positive Patients in Kabul, Afghanistan
Shreyashish Roy-Chowdhury, Arvindsai Satishkumar, Syed Hamza Ahmed, Austin Mardon
Dietary Approach for Post-COVID Treatment of Olfactory Loss
Victor Romano, Kimberly Smith, Kathryn Hanes-Romano, Jennifer Chambers
Kinesio Tape 14-Day Application Cycle: A Case Study
Fouad Laboudi, Ghizlane Slimani, Nabil Tachfouti, Abderrazzak Ouanass
Sociodemographic and Clinical Profile of Suicide Attempts in Adults: Case of a Moroccan Hospital
Abdelhak Jnah
Contribution to the Assessment of the Quality of the Pre-Analytical Phase of Medical Biology Tests at the Ibn Sina University Hospital in Rabat
Youssef Kharbach, Siham Rachidi Alaoui, Zakaria Bakkali Issaoui, Abdelhak Khallouk
Bilateral Adrenal Lymphoma: A Diagnostic Challenge
Danilo Coco, Silvana Leanza
Alternative Techniques for Hepp-Couinaud Roux-Y Hepatico-Jejunostomy: A Brief Review
Amal Hajjij, Madiha El Jazouli, Othmane Haddani, Fouad Benariba
Idiopathic Harlequin Syndrome in a Young Women during Physical Exercise: A Case report and literature review
Orkun Ilgen, Sefa Kurt, Osman Yilmaz, Murat Celiloglu
The Effect of Educated Platelets on the Healing Process of Burn Wounds in Rats: Educated Platelets in Rat Burn Wound Healing
Kaoutar Ettoini, Yousra El boussaadani, Abdallah Oulmaati, Nabila Elouafi
Congenital Glaucoma: Thinking about Sturge-Weber-Krabbe Syndrome
John Sharkey
Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions-Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome
Pëllumb Islami, Ali Iljazi, Hilmi Islami
Examination of Bronchial Reactivity in Workers Exposed to Microparticles PM2.5 and PM10 during Coal Surface Mining in the Bellaqevc Power Plants of Kosovo
Joanne Michelle Gomez, Mary Potkonjak, Maria Isabel Planek, Prutha Lavani, Karolina Marinescu, Tisha Suboc
Critically Ill Patients with Variable Heart Failure in Severe COVID-19 Disease: A Case Series
Najib Alidrissi, Chagou Aniss, Chahbouni Mohammed, Zine Ali, Bouabid Salim, Boussougua Moustapha, Jaafar Abdeloihab
Duckbill Calcaneum Fracture
Youssef Kharbach, Abdelhak Khallouk
What is the Urinary Diversion of Choice after Cystectomy in 2020?
Tarun Narang, Shweta, Chiranjeev Gathwal, Shailley
Role of Multidetector CT in Evaluation of Benign Focal Liver Lesions in a Tertiary Care Centre in North India
Adriaan Visser
Impact of Visiting Community-Based Psychosocial Support Centres on the Well-Being of Cancer Patients: Exploration of Evaluation and Effects
Hend Alatif
Burden and Trends of Leishmaniasis over the last one Decade Across the Globe: Trend Analysis of WHO Regions
Umesh Yadav, Ajay Sheoran, Himanshu Bansal, Ashish Devgan, Amit Dahiya, Mittal Ankit, Mayank Dutta, Ajay Singh
Is Hip Spica an Obsolete Method for Paediatric Femur Fractures ? - A Retrospective Analysis of 58 Patients
Yousra El Boussaadni, Kaoutar Ettoini, Mohamed Aggouri, Abdellah Oulmaati
A Rare Cause of Diabetes Insipidus in Children: Langerhansian Histiocytosis
Hashmatullah Yousufi, Ahmad Zia Noori, Shoaib Naeemi, Hamidullah Rasekh, Muzhda Haem Rahimi, Mohammad Aman Bahaduri
Clinical Manifestations of Symptomatic COVID-19 Patients in Kabul Province, the Capital of Afghanistan
Enrique Martinez
A New Perspective for Prevention and to Cure COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to Contact Healed People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide in Solution (CDS)