Cantilever Resin Bonded Bridges…What evolution? About case reports


Resin-bonded bridge
Cantilever resin bonded bridge
Metal- ceramic

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El Yaagoubi S, Bouabid M, El Yamani A. Cantilever Resin Bonded Bridges…What evolution? About case reports. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];8. Available from:


Resin bonded bridge technique was first introduced in 1963 by Rochette. It was the first type of non-invasive fixed dental prosthesis because the abutment tooth didn’t undergo any prior preparation. As early as 1996, Hussey and Linden studied cantilever resin bonded bridges and showed that there was no significant difference in the survival rates of a conventional bridge and cantilever resin bonded bridges. The main indications for a resin bonded bridge in children are post-traumatic edentulousness, during the early detection of agenesis and pre-implant temporization situations. Resin bonded bridges are also recommended in adults when the implant context is unfavourable or contraindicated (periodontal diseases and / or anatomical and prosthetic obstacles). Cantilever resin bonded bridge has many advantages compared to the traditional bridge: simpler and faster to make, more economical for the patient, easier hygiene and absence of partial detachment that can lead to secondary caries lesion.
The preparation criteria will be adapted to the clinical situation, which will take into account the patient's age, the extent of edentulousness, the extent of occlusal loads and dental mobility. Thus, when the joint is subject to excessive stress, retention devices will complete the preparation. With the continuous development of materials as well as new minimally invasive treatment modalities, the alternative solution of the bonded bridge in the anterior region now corresponds to the realization of an all-ceramic zirconia cantilever bridge with a single wing.


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Copyright (c) 2021 Soraya El Yaagoubi, Morchad Bouabid, Amal El Yamani


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