The transmission of knowledge is a critical step that requires dedication and logistic assets to achieve the desired objective.
Among these advantages is the online launch of educational films on the university's platform which aims at the improvement of understanding by students, and the information provided during practical work. For this, we have made three videos on the implementation of shaped clasps, while fixing the duration of the films successively at 8min50, 5min05, and 3min30. The videos were evaluated by the entire class through a questionnaire distributed to students who were present in the practical work training session. The biostatistical analysis revealed the preference to be for the 8min50 video with an initial viewing percentage of 59.3%. At a second and another viewing, preference was successively in favor of the 5min05 video (54.5%) and that of 3min 30 (43.4%). Furthermore, the students’ favorite videos were those with a time interval of 10 to 20 minutes (46.9%) for upcoming educational materials.
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