Endobronchial Hamartoma - A Case Report


Benign tumours

How to Cite

Arramach I, Rhaouiti M, Lamouime FE, Lakranbi M, Ouadnouni Y, Smahi M. Endobronchial Hamartoma - A Case Report: Hamartochondrome endobronchique - A propos d’un cas. ATD [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2024. Available from: https://mbmjpress.com/index.php/atd/article/view/738


Endobronchial hamartochondromas, benign tumors originating from peribronchial mesenchymal tissue, are exceptionally rare, comprising only 1.4% of pulmonary hamartomas. We present a clinical case involving a patient with symptomatic hamartochondroma, presenting with cough and thoracic pain. Thoracic computed tomography revealed middle lobe atelectasis associated with an endobronchial protrusion, while bronchoscopy demonstrated a tumor arising from the middle lobar bronchus, extending into the right intermediate bronchus. Despite inconclusive findings from bronchial biopsy histopathology, a multidisciplinary consensus led to surgical intervention, confirming the diagnosis through anatomopathological examination. In conclusion, prompt resection, whether surgical or endoscopic, is imperative to mitigate bronchial obstruction complications and prevent the misidentification of malignant lesions.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ikram Arramach, Maroua Rhaouiti, Fatim Ezzahra Lamouime, Marouane Lakranbi, Yassine Ouadnouni, Mohamed Smahi


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